Environments & Props & Characters

They've found the red fossil of Mother bat. With all the children bats' skulls around, seems like they didn't make it to the other side of the sea.

“Dad?” In the apocalypse, the brothers have been waiting at their play ground for their dad to come back. The one who aways fought the monsters for them.

"kid?" Only one of the brothers successfully escaped and grow up into a soldier. He came back to the playground and found out his missing brother is still alive but hasn't grown up...

"Birth" is my boldest creation recently. It depicts a queen's harem with a pattern on the floor resembling a uterus, symbolizing the significant role of women in nurturing life in the world. However, the central queen also represents an extreme form of feminism. Could it be like a dog consuming sweet grapes, a kind of poison?
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Hidden Book Store

city of Time. Environment for personal project, 1001 Nights in Loulan, which a young queen with progeria disease curses to freeze the time of the whole city (in dessert)
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“The hidden emperor” Emperor Xuānzong of Tang dynasty (810-859,) who hide himself as a monk before becoming the emperor. 唐宣宗李忱,被稱為「小太宗」。據說登基前為了躲避殺害,削髮為僧,武宗死後才回京當了皇帝。

Don't get too close to the tree house

Grave Yard Tree House

Design interior for DevilMayCry4 - the temple connected to the hidden resident
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The Abandoned Factory 1

Etherem Storm is coming!!!!!

the place, the origin of all the human cultures, where our ancestors hide the truth about everything..

The Abandoned Factory 2

絡新婦 じょろうぐも - a creature, ghost or goblin of Japanese folklore. It can shape-shift into a beautiful woman, so the kanji for its actual meaning is "woman-spider"

A young woman becomes the fourth wife of a wealthy lord, and must learn to live with the strict rules and tensions within the household

The day when the old man told everyone that he was going to marry the violent queen.